Industrial & Medical Gases
Oxygen (氧气)
Oxygen called diatomic gas which is colorless, odorless & fresh gas is a source of valuable raw materials for the entire industry. The central role of oxygen gas in the industrial world is used in steelmaking and other applications including making new compounds such as plastics and creating very hot flames for welding. The principal uses of oxygen are indicative of its strong oxidizing and life-sustaining properties. It’s used in medicine for therapeutic purposes and used in treatment of patients with respiratory disorders
CV. Candi Oxygen has become a supplier of Oxygen gas for various applications that require Oxygen gas (O2) in large quantities as used for various industrial needs such as for cutting, heating, welding, hardening, , scarfing, cleaning and dehydrating.
Liquid Oxygen (LOX) :
Liquid Oxygen (LOX) is distributed to customers using vacuum insulated cryogenic tank storage vessel which is usually associated with evaporation equipment, can provide a supply of several days.
- Laser: oxygen Gas (O2) is used as a gas assist for cutting mild steel and stainless steel.
- Fish farming: the high level of oxygen dissolved in the results of the use of oxygen would allow more fish to grow and stay healthy in a given volume of water.
- Respiratory: Medical Oxygen (O2) allowing greater oxygenation of blood flow action insituations respiratory and lung function.
- Steelmaking and the combustion process: oxygen (O2) is used to replace or supplement the air burners in many industrial applications in order to get the hot temperatures to increase throughput and improve energy efficiency. For example: in general industry, including steel, non-ferrous, glass, etc.
- Chemicals: oxidation reactions need to use pure oxygen (O2) to get the higher rate, the separation of the products more easily as well as capital costs plant and air emissions reduced.
- Water: liquid oxygen (O2) can be used in place of the active sludge in the process of air to maintain a population of micro-organisms. Using oxygen (O2) and is injected through the side of the stream instead using a mechanical aerator will eliminate odor and reduces surface agitation.